Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Debate 2

On they're running a story about how McCain referred to Obama as "that one" in last night's presidential debate. "Was it rude or not," reads the second half of the article's title. The Obama camp has suggested that it might have been rude, but Biden chalked it up to McCain's "style." Either way, here's one reader's comment in response to the article:

onlycriminalshaverights Oct 8, 2008 1:21:17 PM Report Offensive Post
obama is a terrorist and a HORRIBLE father. You never see him with his kids. Michelle is also one of the UGLIEST women I have ever seen. Those are the truths people dont want to say. You can almost feel the tension between him and her. Its so obvious

What? Really? . . . Really?
This person is encouraging me to learn how to throw ninja stars.

On another note, here's a tally I kept last night while listening to the debate. It's called,

The Number of Times John McCain Said . . .

"cronyism" / "cronies": 3
"steady hand at the tiller": 2
"greed and excess": 3
"overhead projector": 3
"my friend" / "my friends": 19

(that means that if we take the total # of mintues for the debate (90), subtract roughly 10 minutes for the moderator and the audience, and estimate that each candidate talked for about half of the remaining time, John McCain used the phrase "my friend(s)" an average of once every 48 seconds that he was talking.)

{and the kicker . . . the number of times he misquoted his "hero" Teddy Roosevelt's most famous saying: 2. "WALK softly and carry a big stick," not "SPEAK softly and carry a big stick."}


christiana said...
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christiana said...

please do copy, paste, and learn grasshopper.

Catron said...

ah yes, master . . . and is it recommended to listen to c & c music factory while training?

christiana said...

only if one's marky mark & the funky bunch cassette tape is nowhere to be found