Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's 4am...or... Here's hoping this post's coherent

For the life of me I couldn't figure out how to sign in and contribute to the blog. Having stared at the 'dashboard' page for the last couple hours clicking on any and everything clickable, rage and frustration building, it occured to me to check my email and search for the invite Catron sent out a couple months ago. I assume you can decipher the result my revelation. 
Here's what I wanted to share. I think it was Wed night mid rehearsal when my internal monologue sounded a bit like this 
Oh what I wouldn't do for a straightforward and complete script....I like this physical stuff but I don't really do this like everyone else...we open when?!?
Only week 1, I know, but I wanted to let anyone else who may have also already experienced these feelings know that they're not alone. Soon after my mini mind meltdown I remembered(like Catron's post prior)that the challenge is the reason I'm here. I get the chance to work w/artists I admire from whom I have much to learn. This story especially at this time of life will start conversations-it already has w/us; and this show wouldn't be worth doing if we made it easy for us. Oh yeah, and it is fun.Like Jon said, this show will be great if we do the work necessary to flesh out and bring life(joy, hunger, hope, fear, loss...) to these characters. I agree, moreover I trust all of us are willing to do that. 

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