Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Not About Politics

So, I've taken a little heat for straying too far from the path of the MAIN subject of this blog, which is Animal Farm. Guilty as charged. I've been swept up in the current political maelstrom of America, yes. So, to get back . . .

We're in week 3 already. How the bleep did that happen? Incredibly enough, things feel right on schedule to me. Even though our cast has been plagued by the autumnal viruses, we're plugging away, developing the physical language of this play and creating those crucial transitional moments that make the book such a bullet to the chest. And I can't say enough good about our sound designer Tim Cameron, who has been 110% committed to this project since forever ago. He's brought a fantastic score to the rehearsal hall and now I can't imagine doing this project without him.

Random Thoughts:
-I think 85% of my job as a producer is done at the computer. The other 15% is primarily spent lying awake at night creating anxiety-driven to-do lists that lead me back to my computer.
-14 is ginormous number of actors. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
-I've spent too much time thinking about the psychology of raffles.
-What does it really mean when somebody replies either "attending," "not attending," or "maybe attending" on Facebook?
-I heard the first 15 seconds of Paul Simon's song "Obvious Child" off of his Rhythm of The Saints album and thought to myself, "Hell yes, this is Animal Farm."
-Part of the way our show is shaping up reminds me of a really good old-skool Rainer Maria song. Think Past Worn Searching era: intermittent swaths of chaos/noise with tension-filled blankets of quiet.
-This show is not for elementary school kids.
-Does Bob Rosen mind if I use his tea kettle?

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