Saturday, September 27, 2008

Debate 1

I counted seven times Sen. McCain used some derivation of the phrase, "what Sen. Obama doesn't understand . . . "
I counted too many times Sen. Obama began a rebuttal with some derivation of the phrase, "Sen. McCain is absolutely right, but . . ."
I really wanted them to act on Jim Lehrer's plea that they talk to each other.
I really disliked Sen. McCain's tooth-clenching grin.


Becky said...

Now, let's discuss some items we particularly enjoyed. For example, I really enjoyed when Anger the Hate Monster tried to pronounce "Ahmadinejad" and stuttered and stuttered until he finally sort of [shocking] angrily yelled it through clenched teeth.

Now, you go Freedom Stick.

Catron said...

I liked the make-up. Obama looked great, good lighting. McCain looked like a sweaty old raddish.

I liked McCain's multitude of references to people which most voters under 40 don't know and don't really care about. I think he was trying to play up his Experience, but I thought it made him look Old.

Anonymous said...

All the "what Obama doesn't understands" pissed me off, but what could have said Obama to that without sounding petulant or child-like?

"No, John, what you don't understand is that you're a condescending, dirty dipshit"?

VP debate tonight and I'm in rehearsal. What a circus.

P.S. This is Jaime K.