Wednesday, September 10, 2008


"John McCain says he's about change too, and so I guess his whole angle is, 'Watch out George Bush -- except for economic policy, health care policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy and Karl Rove-style politics -- we're really going to shake things up in Washington,'" he said. That's not change. That's just calling something the same thing something different. You know you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. You know you can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change, it's still going to stink after eight years. We've had enough of the same old thing."

Barack Obama, 9.9.08, in Virginia


Ellen said...

Do you think the lipstick on a pig is a dig at lipstick on a bit bull? Them's fightin' words for Barak.

Catron said...

it had nothing to do with Palin. it's just too too silly.

Ellen said...

Really? Then why are the republicans so pissed? It is silly. Although they did a piece on that phrase on the radio, and lots of people have said "you can put lipstick on a pig..." including John McCain. Maybe they are referencing Animal Farm.