Thursday, October 30, 2008

post-preview/pre-opening thoughts

Our first two previews have been two different shows, w/two different audiences, and two different casts(thanks Ellen;  good to have you back Jason); but I want to share what I feel is the constant which is the story being told and the heartbreaking honesty behind it. The story is nothing w/o each person on stage and in the booth, and nothing still w/o the audience. Wed we were focused on being there for our stand-in actor and were blessed w/a vocally giving audience. Thurs our audience was more intellectual than vocal and our start was disjointed; we did however come together in a concentrated focus on connecting w/the audience.
So between now and opening curtain please be encouraged and let go of any and all mishaps from the nights prior, and remember you're not alone. A great observation from a cast member tonight was that it's impossible to name any characters as "leads"; we are truly an ensemble, we are one. We fall flat or soar together, and I'd bet my paycheck(all 12 cents) that we will do the latter. 

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Well said Christiana. I think you all were paid one of the highest compliments in the TCDaily Planet Review. Your generosity as a cast with eachother and the telling of the story is lovely to watch, and a rare thing. Tune into that and find the joy, and we're all good!